2017-05-18 15:56:41,034 TN( Thread-3) DEBUG internetarchive.session session.py no metadata provided for "archivecd-logs", retrieving now. 2017-05-18 15:56:54,481 TN( Thread-3) INFO internetarchive.item item.py uploaded 2017-05-18T073709Z_f44d3067e22e.log to https://s3.us.archive.org/archivecd-logs/2017-05-18T073709Z_f44d3067e22e.log 2017-05-18 15:56:54,482 TN( Thread-3) INFO internetarchive.item item.py 2017-05-18T073709Z_f44d3067e22e.log successfully uploaded to https://archive.org/download/archivecd-logs/2017-05-18T073709Z_f44d3067e22e.log and verified, deleting local copy 2017-05-18 15:56:54,489 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI mainwindow.py Log uploading done: {'task-id': 199, 'result': None, 'success': True} 2017-05-18 15:59:23,998 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI mainwindow.py start_new_project 2017-05-18 15:59:23,998 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI mainwindow.py OPERATOR: archivecd01.hongkong@archive.org 2017-05-18 15:59:23,998 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: project, start, {} 2017-05-18 15:59:24,004 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py start 2017-05-18 15:59:24,006 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py Done stopping rippers 2017-05-18 15:59:24,014 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI identifyalbumwidget.py IdentifyAlbumWidget initialised 2017-05-18 15:59:24,021 TN(MainThread) ERROR UI workspacewidget.py received unrecognized tab idx: 0 2017-05-18 15:59:24,026 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI identifyalbumwidget.py start 2017-05-18 15:59:26,928 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI identifyalbumwidget.py got valid EAN-13: 9787799304984 2017-05-18 15:59:26,930 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI getdiscinfodwwi.py enter_LaunchDiscInfo 2017-05-18 15:59:27,086 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI getdiscinfodwwi.py enter_LaunchDWWI discid: tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA- 2017-05-18 15:59:27,092 TN( Thread-1) DEBUG Lookup dwwi.py Query to the dowewantit server, args: {'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'freedb_discid': u'750a720a', 'version': 2, 'sectors': u'1 10 200745 150 17585 38397 58197 79035 100690 114840 134980 155830 172807', u'ean': u'9787799304984'} 2017-05-18 15:59:27,093 TN( Thread-1) DEBUG Lookup dwwi.py DWWI_BASE_URL: http://dowewantit0.us.archive.org:5000 2017-05-18 15:59:29,117 TN( Thread-1) DEBUG Lookup dwwi.py Query done. 2017-05-18 15:59:29,121 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py identify_album_finished: ({'status': 'ok', 'result': {u'dwwi': ({u'description': u'', u'title': u'\u6211\u7684\u670b\u53cb Betty Su', u'cover_url': u'http://akamai-b.cdn.cddbp.net/cds/2.0/cover/BE18/86E8/CAC1/140F_medium_front.jpg?cid=5571840', u'number_of_tracks': 10, u'date': u'2003', u'tracks': [{u'title': u'\u6211\u7684\u670b\u53cb Betty Su'}, {u'title': u'\u554f\u81ea\u5df1'}, {u'title': u'I Will Be Fine'}, {u'title': u'If You Want My Love'}, {u'title': u'\u4e0d\u518d\u60f3\u5ff5'}, {u'title': u"Don't Know Why"}, {u'title': u'Without Love'}, {u'title': u'\u9047\u898b\u820a\u611b'}, {u'title': u'\u5c31\u73fe\u5728'}, {u'title': u'D. Doo Bang'}], u'artists': [u'\u9806\u5b50'], u'genre': u'Chinese', u'id': u'41351685-07F25B1EE6D900C998985FB5B12A61BB', u'source-id': u'gracenote.com'}, {u'publisher': u'EMI', u'description': u"Artwork in both Chinese and English


\n 1. \u6211\u7684\u670b\u53cb Betty Su
\n 2. \u554f\u81ea\u5df1
\n 3. I Will Be Fine
\n 4. If You Want My Love
\n 5. \u4e0d\u518d\u60f3\u5ff5
\n 6. Don't Know Why
\n 7. Without Love
\n 8. \u9047\u898b\u820a\u611b
\n 9. \u5c31\u73fe\u5728
\n10. D. Doo Bang", u'title': u'\u6211\u7684\u670b\u53cb Betty Su', u'country': u'TW', u'cover_url': u'https://archive.org/download/cd_you-betty-su_juna/cd_you-betty-su_juna_itemimage.jpg', u'date': u'2003', u'artists': [u'\u9806\u5b50'], u'genre': u'Chinese', u'id': u'cd_you-betty-su_juna', u'source-id': u'archive.org'}), u'barcode': u'9787799304984', u'discinfo': }, 'error': None}) 2017-05-18 15:59:29,223 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI archivematcheswidget.py ArchiveMatchesWidget initialised 2017-05-18 15:59:29,227 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py select_tab_by_idx: idx: 1 2017-05-18 15:59:29,231 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: archive_matches, tab, {} 2017-05-18 15:59:29,231 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI archivematcheswidget.py start 2017-05-18 15:59:29,232 TN( Thread-2) DEBUG archivecd/lib/image image.py Fetching image https://archive.org/download/cd_you-betty-su_juna/cd_you-betty-su_juna_itemimage.jpg 2017-05-18 15:59:32,171 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI archivematcheswidget.py get_remote_qimage_done received: 2017-05-18 15:59:47,415 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI archivematcheswidget.py clicked_archive_item 2017-05-18 15:59:47,416 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py archive_matches_finished: ({'status': 'ok', 'result': (u'ArchiveMyAlbum',), 'error': None}) 2017-05-18 15:59:47,429 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: identify_album, tab, {} 2017-05-18 15:59:47,430 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI itemmetadatawidget.py ItemMetadataWidget initialised 2017-05-18 15:59:47,439 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI itemmetadatawidget.py start 2017-05-18 15:59:47,461 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI def_itemmetadatalayout.py init_md_cols: 1 releases 2017-05-18 15:59:47,466 TN(MainThread) WARNING UI formutils.py lang_code_to_name: no name for '' 2017-05-18 15:59:47,466 TN(MainThread) WARNING UI formutils.py lang_code_to_name: no name for '' 2017-05-18 15:59:47,466 TN(MainThread) WARNING UI formutils.py lang_code_to_name: no name for '' 2017-05-18 15:59:47,469 TN(MainThread) WARNING UI formutils.py lang_code_to_name: no name for '' 2017-05-18 15:59:47,473 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Scanner busy_scanning = False 2017-05-18 15:59:47,476 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py start 2017-05-18 15:59:47,477 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py Starting ripping worker now 2017-05-18 15:59:47,477 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, start, {'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 15:59:47,477 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py sighandler_init 2017-05-18 15:59:47,477 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Going to rip discid: {'id': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 15:59:47,478 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Checking device /dev/sr1 2017-05-18 15:59:47,478 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Unmounting /dev/sr1 if necessary 2017-05-18 15:59:47,479 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI discmetadatawidget.py DiscMetadataWidget initialised 2017-05-18 15:59:47,489 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI def_discmetadatalayout.py init_md_cols: 1 releases 2017-05-18 15:59:47,501 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py select_tab_by_idx: idx: 2 2017-05-18 15:59:47,506 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: item_metadata, tab, {} 2017-05-18 15:59:47,551 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py sighandler_init_done 2017-05-18 15:59:47,551 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py sighandler_start_toc 2017-05-18 15:59:47,554 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_description': 'Reading TOC...', u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u''} 2017-05-18 15:59:47,554 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_description': 'Scanning disc... (1 of 1) ...', u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u''} 2017-05-18 15:59:48,592 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_description': 'Reading TOC of session 1... (2 of 3) ...', u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u''} 2017-05-18 15:59:54,722 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI itemmetadatawidget.py clicked_done 2017-05-18 15:59:54,728 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py item_metadata_finished: ({'status': 'ok', 'result': {u'publisher-catalog-number': u'0', u'publisher': u'0', u'source-id': u'gracenote.com', u'scanningcenter': u'hongkong', u'collection-catalog-number': None, u'language': u'eng', u'title': u'\u6211\u7684\u670b\u53cb Betty Su', u'country': None, u'barcode': u'9787799304984', u'collection': [u'acdc', u'gracenotecds'], u'genre': u'Chinese', u'sponsor': u'Kahle-Austin Foundation', u'artists': [u'\u9806\u5b50'], u'contributor': u'Internet Archive', u'subject': [], u'date': u'2003', u'boxid': None, u'description': None}, 'error': None}) 2017-05-18 15:59:54,729 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py select_tab_by_idx: idx: 3 2017-05-18 15:59:54,755 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: disc_metadata, tab, {'disc_number': 1} 2017-05-18 15:59:56,382 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI discmetadatawidget.py done_clicked 2017-05-18 15:59:56,386 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py disc_metadata_finished: ({'status': 'ok', 'result': {u'disc-metadata': {((3, 1), u'title'): u'I Will Be Fine', ((1, 1), u'title'): u'\u6211\u7684\u670b\u53cb Betty Su', ((10, 1), u'artists'): [], ((8, 1), u'artists'): [], ((6, 1), u'title'): u"Don't Know Why", ((4, 1), u'artists'): [], ((9, 1), u'title'): u'\u5c31\u73fe\u5728', ((2, 1), u'title'): u'\u554f\u81ea\u5df1', ((7, 1), u'title'): u'Without Love', ((5, 1), u'title'): u'\u4e0d\u518d\u60f3\u5ff5', ((3, 1), u'artists'): [], ((1, 1), u'artists'): [], ((10, 1), u'title'): u'D. Doo Bang', ((8, 1), u'title'): u'\u9047\u898b\u820a\u611b', ((6, 1), u'artists'): [], ((4, 1), u'title'): u'If You Want My Love', ((9, 1), u'artists'): [], ((2, 1), u'artists'): [], ((7, 1), u'artists'): [], ((5, 1), u'artists'): []}, u'uuid': UUID('ac053770-309d-4de7-8e42-cabf53f4d9a1')}, 'error': None}) 2017-05-18 15:59:56,387 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py select_tab_by_idx: idx: 4 2017-05-18 15:59:56,393 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: scan_materials, tab, {} 2017-05-18 15:59:58,662 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_description': 'Reading TOC of session 2... (3 of 3) ...', u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u''} 2017-05-18 15:59:59,076 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Starting a scan with scantype cd_face. 2017-05-18 15:59:59,077 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: scan, start, {'template': u'cd_face'} 2017-05-18 15:59:59,077 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Scanner busy_scanning = True 2017-05-18 16:00:07,722 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py CDDB disc id: 8911560b 2017-05-18 16:00:07,724 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py MusicBrainz disc id tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA- 2017-05-18 16:00:07,726 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py MusicBrainz lookup URL https://musicbrainz.org/cdtoc/attach?toc=1+10+200745+150+17585+38397+58197+79035+100690+114840+134980+155830+172807&tracks=10&id=tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA- 2017-05-18 16:00:07,816 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Accurate rip URL http://www.accuraterip.com/accuraterip/5/9/e/dBAR-010-00125e95-009959b7-8911560b.bin 2017-05-18 16:00:08,392 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Requests http response code: 200 2017-05-18 16:00:08,393 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py AccurateRip: Received 1 responses. 2017-05-18 16:00:08,394 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Response 0: 2017-05-18 16:00:08,394 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 01: fea9939d (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,394 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 02: e9a8f8c2 (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,395 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 03: f1eabc49 (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,395 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 04: 0ec18591 (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,395 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 05: 706bcb0e (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,396 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 06: 8a99b8e8 (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,397 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 07: ac3f360d (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,397 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 08: 820cac0d (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,398 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 09: 8820223e (confidence 2) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,398 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track 10: b74fa9c2 (confidence 3) 2017-05-18 16:00:08,401 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py sighandler_toc_done 2017-05-18 16:00:08,402 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py sighandler_start_rip 2017-05-18 16:00:08,441 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Output directory /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA- already exists 2017-05-18 16:00:08,442 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 0 2017-05-18 16:00:08,442 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:00:08,442 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:00:08,442 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:00:08,442 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 1 of 11: 01. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 1.wav 2017-05-18 16:00:08,443 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 1.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Reading TOC of session 2... (3 of 3) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:08,443 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:08,444 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Reading track 1 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:09,982 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Scanner process returned 2017-05-18 16:00:09,982 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Scanner busy_scanning = False 2017-05-18 16:00:09,982 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: scan, complete, {} 2017-05-18 16:00:10,028 TN(MainThread) DEBUG root scan.py on_rows_inserted 2017-05-18 16:00:10,028 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py activate() State: 1 2017-05-18 16:00:10,127 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py activate() State: 1 2017-05-18 16:00:10,151 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Found previous task? None 2017-05-18 16:00:10,151 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py dequeue_task: 1 tasks left 2017-05-18 16:00:10,151 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py queue: [{u'path': u'/home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/scans/tmp/tmp6unhfS.png', u'image': }] 2017-05-18 16:00:10,151 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py worker_idle: True 2017-05-18 16:00:10,151 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py dequeueing_task {u'path': u'/home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/scans/tmp/tmp6unhfS.png', u'image': } 2017-05-18 16:00:10,151 TN( Dummy-9) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py sighandler_save: /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/scans/tmp/tmp6unhfS.png 2017-05-18 16:00:10,152 TN( Dummy-9) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py sighandler_save: Saving to /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/scans/tmp/tmp6unhfS.png 2017-05-18 16:00:15,660 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py original_saved() State: 1 2017-05-18 16:00:16,329 TN( Dummy-9) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py sighandler_save: Saved to /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/scans/tmp/tmp6unhfS.png 2017-05-18 16:00:16,330 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py sighandler_save_done {u'path': u'/home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/scans/tmp/tmp6unhfS.png', u'success': True} True 2017-05-18 16:00:16,330 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py Setting worker_idle = True 2017-05-18 16:00:16,330 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py dequeue_task: 0 tasks left 2017-05-18 16:00:16,330 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py queue: [] 2017-05-18 16:00:16,330 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py worker_idle: True 2017-05-18 16:00:16,330 TN(MainThread) DEBUG ScanWidget scan.py dequeue_task: No work left 2017-05-18 16:00:46,535 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:46,941 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 1 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:47,166 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:47,568 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 1 2017-05-18 16:00:47,571 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Fast rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (0,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:00:47,571 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'finished': 1},) 2017-05-18 16:00:47,571 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:47,682 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 23b12a3f and ARCV2: fea9939d 2017-05-18 16:00:47,682 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/01. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 1.wav 2017-05-18 16:00:47,712 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 1 2017-05-18 16:00:47,713 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:00:47,713 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:00:47,713 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:00:47,714 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 2 of 11: 02. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 2.wav 2017-05-18 16:00:47,717 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:00:47,717 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Reading track 2 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:06,901 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:07,389 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 2 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:07,651 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:08,124 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 2 2017-05-18 16:01:08,126 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Fast rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (0,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:01:08,127 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'finished': 1},) 2017-05-18 16:01:08,127 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Fastest', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:08,244 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 545bd478 and ARCV2: f0d6e9c4 2017-05-18 16:01:08,244 TN( Dummy-6) WARNING RipWorker ripthread.py No accurate result match: reripping on slow speed. 2017-05-18 16:01:08,244 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:01:08,245 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 1.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:08,251 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 2 of 11: 02. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 2.wav 2017-05-18 16:01:08,252 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:08,252 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 2 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:37,455 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:37,964 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 2 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:38,227 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:38,702 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 2 2017-05-18 16:01:38,704 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (0,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:01:38,704 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 128, 'correction': 31, 'finished': 1, 'overlap': 30},) 2017-05-18 16:01:38,704 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.09090909090909091, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:38,822 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 545bd478 and ARCV2: f0d6e9c4 2017-05-18 16:01:38,822 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.500000 2017-05-18 16:01:38,822 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: DISABLING fast mode rips 2017-05-18 16:01:38,822 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/02. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 2.wav 2017-05-18 16:01:38,860 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 2 2017-05-18 16:01:38,860 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:01:38,860 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:01:38,861 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:01:38,861 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 3 of 11: 03. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 3.wav 2017-05-18 16:01:38,862 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.18181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:01:38,862 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.18181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 3 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:02:17,734 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.18181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:02:18,199 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.18181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 3 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:02:18,450 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.18181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:02:18,907 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 3 2017-05-18 16:02:18,909 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (1,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:02:18,909 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 119, 'transport error': 1, 'finished': 1, 'correction': 3, 'overlap': 26},) 2017-05-18 16:02:18,910 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.18181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:02:19,028 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 3106220a and ARCV2: d7713af6 2017-05-18 16:02:19,028 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.333333 2017-05-18 16:02:19,028 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/03. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 3.wav 2017-05-18 16:02:19,066 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 3 2017-05-18 16:02:19,067 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:02:19,067 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:02:19,067 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:02:19,067 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 4 of 11: 04. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 4.wav 2017-05-18 16:02:19,068 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.2727272727272727, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:02:19,068 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.2727272727272727, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 4 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:03:22,657 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.2727272727272727, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:03:23,146 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.2727272727272727, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 4 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:03:23,412 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.2727272727272727, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:03:23,891 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 4 2017-05-18 16:03:23,893 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (3,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:03:23,893 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 119, 'transport error': 3, 'finished': 1, 'correction': 12, 'overlap': 28},) 2017-05-18 16:03:23,893 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.2727272727272727, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:03:24,012 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: c2256838 and ARCV2: 0ec18591 2017-05-18 16:03:24,013 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.250000 2017-05-18 16:03:24,013 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/04. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 4.wav 2017-05-18 16:03:24,050 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 4 2017-05-18 16:03:24,051 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:03:24,051 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:03:24,051 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:03:24,052 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 5 of 11: 05. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 5.wav 2017-05-18 16:03:24,053 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.36363636363636365, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:03:24,053 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.36363636363636365, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 5 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:04:38,791 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.36363636363636365, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:04:39,291 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.36363636363636365, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 5 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:04:39,567 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.36363636363636365, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:04:40,065 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 5 2017-05-18 16:04:40,067 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (5,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:04:40,067 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 131, 'correction': 18, 'finished': 1, 'transport error': 5, 'overlap': 30},) 2017-05-18 16:04:40,067 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.36363636363636365, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:04:40,191 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: c4d63b07 and ARCV2: 003fbb5f 2017-05-18 16:04:40,191 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.200000 2017-05-18 16:04:40,191 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/05. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 5.wav 2017-05-18 16:04:40,227 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 5 2017-05-18 16:04:40,227 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:04:40,228 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:04:40,228 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:04:40,228 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 6 of 11: 06. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 6.wav 2017-05-18 16:04:40,229 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.45454545454545453, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:04:40,230 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.45454545454545453, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 6 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:05:27,572 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.45454545454545453, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:05:27,937 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.45454545454545453, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 6 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:05:28,121 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.45454545454545453, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:05:28,449 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 6 2017-05-18 16:05:28,451 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (3,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:05:28,451 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 88, 'transport error': 3, 'finished': 1, 'correction': 9, 'overlap': 17},) 2017-05-18 16:05:28,452 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.45454545454545453, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:05:28,554 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 3007d999 and ARCV2: 3f485719 2017-05-18 16:05:28,554 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.166667 2017-05-18 16:05:28,555 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/06. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 6.wav 2017-05-18 16:05:28,590 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 6 2017-05-18 16:05:28,591 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:05:28,591 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:05:28,591 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:05:28,591 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 7 of 11: 07. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 7.wav 2017-05-18 16:05:28,593 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.5454545454545454, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:05:28,594 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.5454545454545454, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 7 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:06:24,737 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.5454545454545454, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:06:25,231 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.5454545454545454, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 7 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:06:25,488 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.5454545454545454, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:06:25,950 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 7 2017-05-18 16:06:25,952 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (3,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:06:25,952 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 146, 'transport error': 3, 'finished': 1, 'correction': 13, 'overlap': 33},) 2017-05-18 16:06:25,953 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.5454545454545454, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:06:26,068 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 9f2f2ce5 and ARCV2: f7d8a8a2 2017-05-18 16:06:26,068 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.142857 2017-05-18 16:06:26,069 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/07. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 7.wav 2017-05-18 16:06:26,106 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 7 2017-05-18 16:06:26,106 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:06:26,106 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:06:26,107 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:06:26,107 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 8 of 11: 08. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 8.wav 2017-05-18 16:06:26,108 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.6363636363636364, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:06:26,108 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.6363636363636364, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 8 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:07:17,057 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.6363636363636364, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:07:17,574 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.6363636363636364, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 8 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:07:17,838 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.6363636363636364, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:07:18,311 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 8 2017-05-18 16:07:18,314 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (2,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:07:18,314 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 124, 'transport error': 2, 'finished': 1, 'correction': 15, 'overlap': 30},) 2017-05-18 16:07:18,314 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.6363636363636364, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:07:18,431 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: b774b8b3 and ARCV2: 8466640b 2017-05-18 16:07:18,432 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.125000 2017-05-18 16:07:18,432 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/08. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 8.wav 2017-05-18 16:07:18,467 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 8 2017-05-18 16:07:18,468 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:07:18,468 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:07:18,468 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:07:18,468 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 9 of 11: 09. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 9.wav 2017-05-18 16:07:18,469 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.7272727272727273, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:07:18,470 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.7272727272727273, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 9 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:09:43,087 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.7272727272727273, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:09:43,516 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.7272727272727273, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 9 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:09:43,732 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.7272727272727273, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:09:44,126 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 9 2017-05-18 16:09:44,128 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (10,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:09:44,128 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 143, 'transport error': 10, 'finished': 1, 'correction': 37, 'overlap': 30},) 2017-05-18 16:09:44,129 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.7272727272727273, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:09:44,238 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 047c28af and ARCV2: df6a8cdb 2017-05-18 16:09:44,239 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.111111 2017-05-18 16:09:44,239 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/09. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 9.wav 2017-05-18 16:09:44,274 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 9 2017-05-18 16:09:44,275 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has AccurateRip info 2017-05-18 16:09:44,275 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py NOT Attempting a fast rip 2017-05-18 16:09:44,275 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py StopOracle initialised 2017-05-18 16:09:44,275 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py Ripping track 10 of 11: 10. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 10.wav 2017-05-18 16:09:44,277 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.8181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Doing various tasks separately', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:09:44,278 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.8181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Reading track 10 of 11 (1 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:10:53,337 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.8181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (2 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:10:54,021 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.8181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Encoding track 10 of 11 (3 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:10:54,378 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.8181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating CRC (4 of 4) ...', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:10:55,033 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG Rip ripping.py No extra checksums done track 10 2017-05-18 16:10:55,035 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Slow rip, morituri/cdparanoia reported (3,) errors. 2017-05-18 16:10:55,036 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Misc log: ({'verify': 179, 'correction': 18, 'finished': 1, 'transport error': 3, 'overlap': 45},) 2017-05-18 16:10:55,036 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: rip, update, {'task_progress': 0.0, 'total_progress': 0.8181818181818182, 'strategy': u'Paranoid', 'task_description': 'Calculating (Fast) AccurateRip checksum', 'cdinfo': {'track_count': 11, 'has_htoa': False, 'mbid': 'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-', 'has_ar_info': True, 'cddbid': '8911560b', 'has_data': True}, u'mb_discid': u'tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-'} 2017-05-18 16:10:55,171 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Track has ARCV1: 24dcbe21 and ARCV2: a3cd8da4 2017-05-18 16:10:55,172 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py skip_fast_mode_oracle: Fraction of failed rips: 0.100000 2017-05-18 16:10:55,172 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG root flac.py Scheduling /home/archivecd-hk/.local/share/archivecd/to-upload/.tmp.tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/rip-tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/Unknown Artist - tNHJODn7b5.BPP_uJ5xgQqab8qA-/10. Unknown Artist - Unknown Track 10.wav 2017-05-18 16:10:55,207 TN( Dummy-6) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py Ripping track: 10 2017-05-18 16:10:55,439 TN( Dummy-6) ERROR RipWorker ripthread.py rip_tracks raised Command '['mount', '/dev/sr1']' returned non-zero exit status 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "archivecd/lib/ripthread.py", line 247, in sighandler_start_rip File "archivecd/lib/ripthread.py", line 440, in rip_tracks File "archivecd/lib/ripthread.py", line 465, in rip_data_track File "iaclient/hw/devices.py", line 83, in mount_device File "iaclient/hw/devices.py", line 110, in mount File "subprocess.py", line 541, in check_call CalledProcessError: Command '['mount', '/dev/sr1']' returned non-zero exit status 1 2017-05-18 16:10:55,452 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py sighandler_rip_fail 2017-05-18 16:10:55,454 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py Ripping exception occured: Command '['mount', '/dev/sr1']' returned non-zero exit status 1 2017-05-18 16:10:55,454 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py Sending finished with STATUS=ERROR 2017-05-18 16:10:55,455 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py ripper_finished: ({'status': 'error', 'result': {u'uuid': UUID('ac053770-309d-4de7-8e42-cabf53f4d9a1')}, 'error': u"Command '['mount', '/dev/sr1']' returned non-zero exit status 1"}) 2017-05-18 16:10:55,455 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py emit_finished: ({'status': 'error', 'result': {u'uuid': UUID('ac053770-309d-4de7-8e42-cabf53f4d9a1')}, 'error': u"Command '['mount', '/dev/sr1']' returned non-zero exit status 1"}) 2017-05-18 16:10:55,459 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: disc_metadata, tab, {'disc_number': 1} 2017-05-18 16:10:55,461 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: item_metadata, tab, {} 2017-05-18 16:10:55,463 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: archive_matches, tab, {} 2017-05-18 16:10:55,465 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Analytics analytics.py add_event: identify_album, tab, {} 2017-05-18 16:10:55,467 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py Stopping ripper 2017-05-18 16:10:55,467 TN(MainThread) DEBUG RipWorker ripthread.py CALLING self.loop.quit() 2017-05-18 16:10:55,467 TN(MainThread) ERROR RipWorker ripthread.py Whoops. Traceback (most recent call last): File "archivecd/lib/ripthread.py", line 793, in force_stop AttributeError: 'FastAccurateRipChecksumTask' object has no attribute 'tasks' 2017-05-18 16:10:55,468 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py Sending exit() to the Thread 2017-05-18 16:10:55,468 TN(MainThread) DEBUG SimpleRip simplerip.py Waiting for the thread 2017-05-18 16:11:01,070 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI workspacewidget.py Done stopping rippers 2017-05-18 16:11:01,136 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Mem memusage.py Post gc counts[dashboard: enter_NotInProject [post gc]]: gen0 = 0, gen1 = 0, gen2 = 0, total = 0 2017-05-18 16:11:01,136 TN(MainThread) DEBUG Mem memusage.py Post gc memory_info: pmem(rss=1163132928, vms=2897911808, shared=104816640, text=28672, lib=0, data=1273171968, dirty=0) 2017-05-18 16:11:01,137 TN(MainThread) DEBUG UI dashitemswidget.py project_finished: ({'status': 'error', 'result': {u'uuid': UUID('ac053770-309d-4de7-8e42-cabf53f4d9a1')}, 'error': u"Command '['mount', '/dev/sr1']' returned non-zero exit status 1"}) 2017-05-18 16:11:01,138 TN(MainThread) DEBUG root network.py get_wired_eth_mac_address: Got f4:4d:30:67:e2:2e from eno1 2017-05-18 16:11:01,139 TN( Thread-1) DEBUG internetarchive.session session.py no metadata provided for "archivecd-logs", retrieving now.